Save the Smalls
A resource for helping Small Business weather the COVID-19 storm.
Our team leveraged the power of the Publicis employee network to highlight and socialize any and all tips and success stories for small businesses using the custom hashtag: #SaveTheSmalls.
The platform showcased how small business across America were digitally reinventing themselves to weather the storm. A destination site then aggregated all mentions of the hashtag and let viewers filter by associated industries, i.e. restaurants, boutiques, etc.
Creative Team: Amanda Mearsheimer, Brooke Kugel, Kelly Roe, Noa Levhar, Kaitlyn Mulroney, Jake Fowler, Cristina Lawrence
Filtering was setup to allow for industry-specific content serving.
A Twitter handle allowed us to solicit and and aggregate unique piece of content.
We enlisted a team of writers to summarize trends that were breaking through—all while using real local businesses (and driving traffic) as their examples.
All told, we managed to carve out 8 months of content across five industries. We drove a good amount of organic traffic and even better amount of good karma.